Looking at the legacy of the 54 year old alumni association one should always sincerely thank Dr. Fr.Jose Murickan,S. J. who conceived the idea of forming a former students’ association of the college. Prof. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair and Prof. Mariamma Joseph prepared the draft constitution for the association. The Alumni Association of Loyola came into being on 13th April 1967.
The first Executive Committee was formed with Rev.Fr. M. D. Varkey S.J. the Principal of the College as the President of the association. Rev. Fr. Jose Murickan as the Director, Mr. John Morris M. A. (1965 batch) as Vice-president, Mr. M. P. Viswam, M. S.W (1966 batch) as the Secretary and Mr. Gopalakrishnan Nair MSW lecturer as the Treasurer. Along with that five executive committee members were also elected.
The Loyolite is the news letter published by the alumni association every year. The tenure of the executive committee is two years. Even though the Association started its activities in April 1967, the official inauguration was carried out on 27th March 1968 by Rev. Fr. Aikara S.J., Principal, St. Xavier’s College Trivandrum.
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