Others (Academics)
Others (Academics)

Students are seldom identical in their endowment and attainment, so no single line of approach will be equally palatable to the entire spectrum that has advanced learners on one end and slow learners on the other. In recognition of this fact, the College makes sure that it’s activities are anchored in the Engaged Competence Enhancement (ECE) paradigm and beneficial to both groups.

The institution assesses the learning levels and offers support systems to the students in two phases– i. Entry Level, and ii. After the internal exams.

  • An Entry-Level Assessment is done as part of the five-day inter-departmental induction programme. The induction is designed to serve three purposes: to enable learners of all levels to interact with one another, get them familiarised with the support systems available for their advancement, and identify possibly slow learners and potentially advanced learners. Based on the EAT, different teaching departments arrange appropriate Bridge Courses and communicate the needs of the mentees to the respective mentors
  • The second phase is spread across all semesters. The internal examinations using the OBE framework help us determine the students’ learning levels. Marks of internal and external examinations help the mentors monitor the mentees’ performance and take appropriate measures like peer group learning, buddy system, and individual tutorials by the teachers

The specific learning assistance programmes arranged for different categories are:

Slow learners

  • Slow learners are provided with personal support in completing their research and improving their learning levels
  • We also promote joint paper presentations of advanced and slow learners as peer group engagement
  • Recapitulating the portions at the end of every semester helps the students to improve their performance
  • The College also has a mechanism of alumni mentoring to enhance the performance level of slow learners
  • In some special cases, we fall back on parental feedback during the department PTA meetings to gain a keener insight into the students’ behavioural dynamics to apply appropriate remedial measures
  • The student support club Loyola Initiative for Language Advancement (LILA) provides training for students who are less proficient in English

Advanced learners

  • Advanced learners are motivated to present and publish their research.
  • They are also encouraged to do book reviews, attend conferences, seminars, and make paper presentations
  • The Global English Language (GEL) programme offers training support to advanced learners to get global level certifications

Both Slow and Advanced Learners

  • The membership in professional bodies like Project Management Institute (PMI), National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Yi, Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers (KAPS), and Kerala Sociological Society (KSS) provides exposure to the students on the field realities
  • LCSS has a healthy practice of an inter-department team comprising faculty members, research scholars and fellow students accompanying students across departments under the Loyola Research Collective (LRC)
  • LRC regularly conducts workshops and other complementary sessions on qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, literature review, referencing software, preparation of research instruments, use of software for qualitative and quantitative analysis, awareness of plagiarism, and academic writing
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