Certificate Courses
Certificate Courses

Certificate in Library and Information Science (C.L.I.Sc.)

Certificate programme in Library and Information science, an extension work of our Knowledge Resource Centre(Library), is a six months course The Centre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (CACEE), University of Kerala. University of Kerala conducts the examination and issues certificates. The objectives of the course are:

  • To give training to the students in the basic principles of Library and Information Science including fundamental laws, library organization, management, library and Information services, and library automation.
  • To train persons in the day-today routine work involved in the running of small public and academic libraries
  • To train semi-professional staff of the college and special libraries in the respective routine work of a modern library


The course usually begins during June of every year. The qualification for admission is plus two pass. For those who are in service, the minimum qualification is SSLC.


The course is conducted at Loyola College of Social Sciences, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram. The classes are on Saturdays and Sundays.

Course Coordinator – Dr. Sunil Kumar P., Librarian.


P.G. Diploma in Counselling Psychology (One-Year)

P G Diploma in Counselling Psychology is a need- based Continuing Education course to the educated and employed. The objective of the course is to help those who are interested in counselling and psychotherapy to gain knowledge and experience in the particular field. People from various academic and work sectors do take admission for this high demanding course that runs for a period of 12 months. This course which includes 500 instructional hours (350 hrs. theory; 150 hrs. block placement) is under the Centre for Adult and Continuing Education and Extension, University of Kerala. Bachelor’s degree in any discipline is the eligibility for admission.

Over a period of one year the students have to learn 5 theory papers – Fundamentals of counselling, mental health problems, Theories and techniques of counselling, Family counselling, and counselling in special settings related to counselling and psychotherapy. At the end of the course, students have to engage in internship program for a duration of 150 hours. The goal of the internship is to help the students acquire the skills in counselling.  They have to engage in schools, hospitals, private clinics, NGO’s, mental health centres. And have to take cases from differ settings that include – children, adult, adolescent, elderly, and mentally challenges.

There will be internal assessment for all theory papers as well as university examination and viva voce by the end of the course.

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