EM and Bio Diversity
EM and Bio Diversity


A permanent feature of Loyola College is its initiative and participation in maintaining the eco-friendly nature of the campus. It became a usual sight in the college that every Wednesdays the students as well as the staff members are together working to maintain the greenery. The entire NSS volunteers are grouped into four for this purpose and a voluntary leader and two staff guides were given to each group. The NSS Programme Officer will be the overall Co-ordinator of the programme and he/ she is assisted by the student Co-ordinator.  Every week the groups take the turn to clean up the campus and when the work is over after hour refreshments were provided to all the participants. 

  • To foster higher sensitivity to bio-diversity and awareness about ecology and environment. Three bio-diversity parks are there in Loyola campus to bring in the concept of diverse flora and fauna.
  • Three bio-diversity parks
    • Thanal Park
    • Daya  Park
    • Violet- Bouquet
  • The bio-diversity park was inaugurated by the renowned activist and social reformer Ms.Dayabhai on 24th July 2014
  • To inculcate the principle of value of life among students this project is initiated. The students only plant the saplings an they water it, manure it and take care of it and hand it over to the next batch. The cycle repeats. The project is supported by Bio-diversity board and college.
  • A bio-diversity register which consists of the list of all plants and their scientific names is maintained
  • Mazhanadattam- rain walk through the forest area of Ponmudi
  • Kadakkoru Maram: gifting saplings to shop keepers in sreekaryam
  • Gift a green- gifting saplings to nearby Anganawadis
  • To identify the trees and plants on the campus.

Dr Anitha S


Organising Team
Dr. Anitha S
Staff Coordinator
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