Department of Counselling Psychology

The Master of Science Program in Counselling Psychology established in 2014, is the first of its kind at the University of Kerala. Counselling Psychology focuses on personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span and on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental and organizational concerns. The program aims at equipping students with the knowledge, skills, attitude and professionalism to practice counselling in a wide range of settings with a high level of competence and compassion. Another area of focus of the department is in community outreach programs to create awareness on wellness and mental health. The department has revived the on-campus Loyola Student Counselling Centre to provide counselling services to the local student community as well as training for its own students. Conducting research and working to improve mental health services and policies are other priority areas.

A pioneering centre of excellence, setting standards of competence, compassion and ethics in Counselling

  • To mould a caring cadre of professional counsellors committed to empowering individuals, families and society
  • To enhance professional practice by encouraging critical reflection, freedom of inquiry, academic excellence and high standards of ethical decision-making
  • To create benchmarks in counselling, counsellor education, training, research and publication
  • To advocate for progressive state and national mental health policies

Engaged learning in caring and healing

Mrs. Jesline Maria Martin Mamen
Department of Counselling Psychology

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Dr. Ammu Lukose
Department of Counselling Psychology

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Dr Pramod S K
Department of Counselling Psychology

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  • The department collaborates with nearby schools, old age homes, orphanages, NGO’s and institutions for people with special needs. These collaborations are effective in providing training to the children in Upper primary class on topics like learning skills, Assertiveness, Sex education, Anger management, Behavior modification etc.

PSO 1 Deep Knowledge in Behavioural Dynamics
PSO 2 Scientific Research Orientation
PSO 3 Community Engagement
PSO 4 Professional Competence

Foundations of Psychology
CO 1: Provide comprehensive understanding of core areas of psychology
CO 2: Understand the neurophysiological basis of learning, memory, emotions and motivation
CO 3: Analyze complex human cognitive functions
CO 4: Identify the research methods in biopsychology and ethical issues in research
CO 5: Recognize connections between knowledge gained in psychology to everyday life
CO 6: Identify how psychologist study human behaviour and how this knowledge can be used to explain, predict and influence behaviour
Fundamentals of Counselling Psychology
CO 1: To familiarize students with the basic concepts and issues of counseling
CO 2: To be informed of the history and development of professional counseling
CO 3: To provide a comprehensive overview and general understanding of the profession of counseling
CO 4: To imbibe the values and ethics of counseling
To be able to locate onself as a professional counselor in the developmental milieu of the country
Psychology of Individual Differences
CO 1: To familiarize students with the basic concepts and issues of counseling
CO 2: To be informed of the history and development of professional counseling
CO 3: To provide a comprehensive overview and general understanding of the profession of counseling
CO 4: To imbibe the values and ethics of counseling
CO 5: To be able to locate onself as a professional counselor in the developmental milieu of the country
Research Methodology
CO 1: Understand basics of psychological research.
CO 2: Sketch research problems
CO 3: To diffrentiate probabilityand non probability sampling
CO 4: Understand the concepts and processes related with research designing
Compare and diffrentiate qualitative and quantitative research approaches
Understand significance of statistics and statistical analysis in research.
CO 1: Execute and interpret parametric and non parametric tests.
CO 2: Understand how to design a research proposal  and research report in APA style
CO 3: Use  computers  and softwares in research
CO 4: Recognize the importance of ethical research practice
Understanding Abnormal Behaviour
CO 1: Provide conceptual understanding of normal and abnormal behaviour
CO 2: Equip in diagnosing psychological deviances
CO 3: Train in different therapeutic approaches in treatment
CO 4: Enable in assessment and designing plan for intervention
CO 5: Shedding light towards recent trends in psychopathology
CO 6: Sensitize about the ethical issues in clinical practice
Counselling Process and Skills
CO 1: Understand basic counselling process .
CO 2: Understand different micro and marco skills in conselling.
CO 3: Diffrentiate between personal and professionals self in counselling process.
CO 4: Critically evaluate different models of counselling and behavioral dynamics
CO 5: Design modus operandi of counselling process .
CO 6:
Approaches to Counselling
CO 1: Discuss various approaches in Counselling
CO 2: Demonstrate counselling approaches
CO 3: Identifiy suitable approaches as per cases
CO 4: Design suitable therapeutic frameworks
CO 5: Evaluate the effectiveness of counselling approaches
CO 1: Discuss the science of psychometry
CO 2: Apprehend the use of psychological assessment in predicting human behaviour
CO 3: Explain scientific facts underlying the construction of psychological tests.
CO 4: Identify the ethical issues in test construction
CO 5: Critically evaluate different psychological tests
CO 6: Design psychological instruments for assessing and testing human behaviours
Counselling in Community Settings
CO 1: Understand basics of community psychology.
CO 2: List principles of community psychology.
CO 3: Execute need assessment and action research.
CO 4: Examine different models of community functioning.
CO 5: Identify the risk and protective factors and strategies to deal with psycho social stress.
CO 6: Analyze community intervention techniques such as prevention,  crisis intervention and consultation.
CO 7: Describe mental health education, practice and effectiveness used among different communities.
CO 8: Understand psycho social rehabilitation and principles.
Counselling in Educational Settings
CO 1: Provide deep understanding of the educational phenomenon
CO 2: Provide theoretical knowledge of the interpretation of individual behaviour in educational situations
CO 3: Shedding light towards recent research in educational psychology
CO 4: Equipping students for the application of theoretical knowledge in practical way in educational and classroom settings
CO 5: Equip the students for administering psychological tests in educational settings
CO 6: Enable students for developing effective intervention strategies
Counselling in Organizational Settings
CO 1: To Understand the Concetp of Organizational Behavior
CO 2: To Recall the significance of Counselling in Organizational Setings
CO 3: To apply Counselling in Orgainzational settings
CO 4: To evaluate the present need for counselling in Organizational setting
CO 5: To create models that facilitate health organizational behavior
Counselling the Family
CO 1: Understand the concept of family dynamics
CO 2: Develop critical understanding on different approaches to family counselling
CO 3: Familiarize with the ethical practice in family therapy
CO 4: Critically Analyse legislations and policies for family welfare in India
CO 5: Students will be able to use different counselling techniques to accomplish family therapy
CO 6: Students will be able to implement family intervention programmes and practices at field

  • Name: Dr.Pramod S.K
  • Designation: Course Coordinator
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number (College’s official number)-91-471-2592059
  • Fax:91-471-2591760
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