Department of Social Work

Established in 1964, the Department of Social Work was the pioneering professional department under the University of Kerala, to offer a Masters Degree in Social Work. The department consistently ranked at #6 among the National Best Social Work Colleges by various national surveys – India Today, The Outlook and The Week – offers two specializations – Medical and Psychiatric Social Work and Community Development. Key to the intention of moulding professionals in the people business, is the time and conscious efforts in imparting skills necessary for working with individuals (social casework), groups (social group work) as well as communities (community organization).

The Post Graduate course leading to the award of the Master Degree of Social Work by the University of Kerala is spread over four semesters. The academic work is a package of fourteen core theory papers, besides four theory papers in each specialisation. To balance the practice demands, the course offers four concurrent fieldwork internships besides a professional live-in experience, a rural live-in camp, a viva voce during each semester to evaluate fieldwork and comprehension, one block placement internship spanning 30 days during the summer holidays of the second and fourth semesters and one study tour, one dissertation/project work and a comprehensive viva-voce. The program will have a total of 2746 hours of instruction, administered through class room lectures, guided reading sessions, assignment, seminars, group discussions, tutorial, role-play, case studies, field trips, field practice and computer classes. This is squared-off with field practicum over a minimum of 1306 hours.

Over the years Social Work at Loyola has assumed the stewardshiprole to engage with issues pertaining to contemporary social realities and demands arising; our engagement ranged from poverty alleviationand literacy(1980s), women empowerment and SHGs (1990s), child rights (2000s), life skills education (2010s), transgender-friendliness (2014) and social entrepreneurship (2015). Our key contribution has been the launch of Kudumbashree, augmentation CHILDLINE as a model nodal center, and fillip to Life Skills Education in the state. The department has maintained close association with UNICEF, Women and Child Development Department, ICDS, Social Justice, World Bank, DCPU, DMHP, Youth Welfare Board, Jagori (Safetipin), Pratham (ASER), Cochin Shipyard Limited, Chilla, Pencil, LIFE, Maxminds, etc. in evolving training partnership for our mutual benefit.

Learning to Serve and Serving to Learn

  1. We commit ourselves
  2. To mould professionals with conviction, capable of upholding   human dignity, and in interpreting reality
  3. To work towards the holistic development of the individual and the community
  4. To evolve into a knowledge centre capable of transforming knowledge into action

Develop the department as a premiere centre for quality social work education

Social Work for Holistic Development

At Loyola, we have constantly reinvented the andragogy. From 2013 its teaching-learning has been oriented on its own indigenous social work andragogy wheel, with learning starting with praxis – engagement with real-life challenges – disaster management, surveys for the government department, consultancy on safety, issue-based street plays. Post-praxis, is poiesis, wherein the participants engage in the creation of evidences based on the reflections emerging during praxis; the same is communicated to the relevant audience in a comprehensible manner through semenaria, which subjects the content to further refine what is produced, subject to open review. The emergent product is theoria. Thus, participants are encouraged to engage and learn and create new perspectives to interpret reality, once acted upon, results in engaged knowledge-building.

The Loyola Social Work pedagogy wheel exposes the Learner to access the knowledge, engage in practice; engage in documentation and dissemination for validation, and to finally formulate a theory.

The practice praxis includes:-

  • Academic research:-5 major & minor projects, 155 dissertations
  • Field practicum:- Social labs (KeCRO)
  • Policy formulation:-state nutrition policy
  • Live projects:- DMHP, Kottoor experience, Nilambur PRA, safetipin
  • Capacity Building:-Live lab
  • Student activism:-migrant labor, financial assistance, disaster management (flood,Ockhi), food fest (fund raising)
  • Awareness generation:-street theatre, flash mobs, workshops
  • Incubation:-LIFE
  • Research consultancy:-KSTP, Community Police, KePSCR

The documentation poiesis includes:-

  • Book chapters
  • Reports:- Safetipin
  • Curriculum design:-MSW 2014,BSW 2013, Plus2 social work, IGNOU materials, state nutrition policy draft
  • Research articles

The dissemination includes:-

  • Books
  • Conferences
  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Peer-reviewed journals
Rev. Dr. Sabu P. Thomas SJ
Department of Social Work

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Dr. Francina P X
Assistant Professor & HOD
Department of Social Work

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Fr. Saji S.J
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work

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Dr. Jasmine Sarah Alexander
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work

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Pdf Doc. [Scheme & Detailed Syllabus]



PSO 1 Informed about Profession
PSO 2 Professionalism Expressed
PSO 3 Demonstrate Social Work Skills
PSO 4 Apply Problem Solving/Capacity Building Process
PSO 5 Practice in Multiple Settings

History and Philosophy of Social Work
CO 1: Understand Social Work, its Meaning, Objectives, Function, Methods, Principles and the Allied Concepts
CO 2: Understand the History and Development of Professional Social Work in UK, USA, and India.
CO 3: Reflect over the Philosophica-Ideological Bases of Professional Social Work
CO 4: Understand the Professional Character of Social Work and the Development of Social Work Education
CO 5: Internalise the Values and Code of Ethics of Social Work
CO 6: Imbibe the Core Competencies and Attributes of a Professional Social Work Practitioner and Become Aware of the Professional Growth
CO 7: Understand Different Fields Social Work and International Social Work
Sociology and Economics for Social Work
CO 1: Understand the basics of sociology and its thinkers and sociological perspectives in order to
examine the structure and functions of society
CO 2: Understand meanings and tyes of Social Institutions and Social Stratification and their implications in Indian societies in fieldwork
CO 3: Understand the basics of Economics and develop critical thinking to analyse per capita income, National Income Analysis and economic systems
CO 4: Analyse International Economic Institutions and paradoxes of Globalisation and contemporary dynamics in the global development process
CO 5: Analyse understanding of Development, Under-development  Sustainable Development, social exclusion, marginalisation, corporatisation and communalism instil New Development Paradigms and critique Kerala Model of Development
CO 6: Apply Social Analysis tools and approaches to Social Problems: poverty, unemployment, migration, alcoholism and substance abuse and  application of Sociology and Economics for Social Work
Psychology for Social Work
CO 1: understand, appreciate and apply the biopsychosocial bases, approaches and theories of learning in understanding individual (general psychology) and group behaviour (social psychology)
CO 2: develop a holistic understanding of the theories of human development and its implications on human behaviour in the context of human growth & development across the human life-span
CO 3: understand the developmental tasks and hazards across the lifespan in order to formulate social work intervention strategies
CO 4: comprehend the concept of abnormality and the various systems of classification
CO 5: develop a comprehensive analysis of a case, applying the above theories and development tasks in the context of a life-span and develop a comprehensive ideal social work intervention plan
Working with Communities
CO 1: The trainee should gain a full understanding of Community Organization and Social Action-its
CO 2: The student should list the components (Knowledge, Skills, Values and Principles, Professional organization) of Community Organization The student should be able to create a plan for self-analysis, reflection and growth so as to accomplish development of self and the profession and be able to apply it in field work.
CO 3: The trainee should be able to list the skills, tools and techniques of community organization and Social Action, demonstrate it through case vignettes and apply the Community Organization skills
CO 4: The student should list and understand the problem-solving process/procedure/phases (Rapport building, Assessment, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation and Follow-up) and demonstrate each of the components of the problem-solving process through case vignettes and in field work.
CO 5: The trainee should be able to list different community organization settings/models and describe them.
CO 6: Community Development), as well as trace its history.
Working with Groups& Families 
CO 1: The trainee should gain a full understanding of Social Group Work – its definition, components, objectives, relevance, differentiate it from related concepts, as well as trace its history.
CO 2: The trainee should list the professional elements (Knowledge, Skills, Values and Principles, Professional Organization) and relate these to the fieldwork.
CO 3: The trainee should be able to understand the problem-solving process (Intake, Study, Goal Setting, Intervention, Evaluation and Termination), in social group work,  stages of group development focusing on group processes and group dynamics and  demonstrate it through field work.
CO 4: The trainee should be able to list the Life skills, design a training module in groups, impart training to co-learners,  students’ community and also apply in their personal life and in fieldwork.
CO 5: The trainee should be able to compare different structures, content and methods of Social Group Work records and apply the – narrative-condensed-analytical-summery format in Social Group Work
CO 6: The trainee should be able to get a full understanding of family social work, its principles, problem-solving process  – Intake, – Beginning, Assessment,  Intervention, Evaluation and Examination phase.
Working with Individuals
CO 1: The trainee should gain a full understanding of Social Case Work-its definition, components, objectives, relevance, differentiate it from related concepts, as well as trace its history.
CO 2: The trainee should list the professional elements (Knowledge, Skills, Values and Principles, Professional Organization) of social casework.
CO 3:  The student should be able to create a plan for self-analysis, reflection and growth so as to accomplish the development of self and the profession and be able to apply it in fieldwork.
CO 4: The trainee should be able to list different social work practice settings/models and describe the background (problems, relevance & significance, programmes and challenges) and role of the social worker in the social work practice setting.
CO 5: The trainee should list and understand the problem-solving process/procedure/phases (Rapport building, Assessment, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation and Follow-up) and demonstrate each of the components of the problem-solving process through case vignettes and in field work.
CO 6: The trainee should be able to list the skills, tools and techniques of social casework practice and demonstrate it through case vignettes and apply the social casework skills in fieldwork.
Theory and Practice of Counselling 
CO 1: Understand the definition, essential characteristics and principles of Counselling and ability to create their own definition for Counselling
CO 2: Understand the various phases, the process and the skills as well as techniques to be applied in these contexts of counselling
CO 3: Understand the ethical dilemma and means of resolving the same based on the NASW/ACA Code of Ethics
CO 4: Understanding of the various schools of psychology, the theoretical perspectives, learning theories and its implications to counselling practice with cases
CO 5: Apply the principles of case recording and documentation in practice
Administration of Human Service Organizations
CO 1: The student should be able to define/describe,  and discuss the concepts of Agency, Administration, Organisation, and Management
CO 2: The student should be able to differentiate Social Administration and Social Work Administration, Formal Organisation and Informal Organisation, Bureaucratic Organisation and Human Relations Organisation
CO 3: The students should be able to explain the administrative process
CO 4: The students should be able to distinguish between different laws of incorporation and write the MOA of a Society
CO 5: The student should be able to present various personnel functions in HSOs.
CO 6: The student should be able to present and explain Finance and Office Management
CO 7: The student should be able to present and explain the concept of social protection welfare programmes of various ministries.
Social Legislations and Human Rights
CO 1: Understand the Indian Constitution and Indian legal system and acquire skills to practise legal services PSO 1
CO 2: Differentiate the personal laws pertaining to various faiths as well as social legislations to protect the vulnerable PSO 4
CO 3: Understand and critique Social Legislations for women, children and Environment PSO 3
CO 4: Understand Various Legal Commissions and Legal Services and identify the roles of social workers PSO 2
CO 5: Understand Human Rights: violation of Human Rights of  Vulnerable and Marginalised groups, women and children, aged population and Minorities, Dalits, Indigenous People PSO 3
CO 6: Analise Globalisation and Human Rights – Health and Human Rights – Gender and Human Rights – Refugees and Human Rights,  PSO 5
CO 7: Evaluate and critique Cyber Crimes & Legal Framework on IT Act and IPR PSO 4
Social Work Research and Statistics
CO 1: The trainee social worker will develop an understanding of quantitative and qualitative research
CO 2: The trainee social worker will inculcate an ethical orientation towards research
CO 3: The trainee social worker will be able to apply the steps of quantitative research to aproblem
CO 4: The trainee social worker will be able to formulate and carry out qualitative research scientifically
CO 5: The trainee social worker will apply research methods to resolve social work problems
Project Planning and Management
CO 1: Understand the concepts of Project Management and learn how to apply Project Management tools, processes, and techniques for the successful execution of a project
CO 2:  Evaluate  the process of strategic planning of social development organisations (NGOs)
CO 3: Understand problem identification through PRA, the project design, appraisal  and LFA method
CO 4: Distinguish between project implementation, monitoring review and evaluation
CO 5: Analyze the Project Finance and Financial Management
CO 6: Imbibe skills for project preparation and create competencies to design projects
CO 7: Develop resource mobilisation and fundraising blueprint
Community Health Care and Health Administration
CO 1: Understand the concepts – Health (physical and mental), Hygiene, Health Care, Community Health as against Public Health, determinants and dimensions of health, and levels of health care (promotive, preventive, curative, restorative, palliative) as it plays out in lives of individuals
CO 2: Apply the method of social work, especially Working with Communities (Community Organisation) in the context of health; its components and principles
CO 3: Understand and apply the concept of Health Planning and Management as a cycle, drawing implications from various health indices (indicators) and the application of same in the formulation of policy (Policy Formulation & NHP 1983, 2002, 2016) and organisation of health programs (National Health Programs); besides, critically evaluate health policy and programs
CO 4: Analyse the implications of Globalisation vis-a-vis Development as phenomena impacting Health of individuals and communities; the history of Health as organised around international events: colonialism, WHO, Alma Ata, MDGs, SDGs, Asthana; the implications of FYPs/NITI and various health planning committees on health national programs
CO 5: Understand the organisation of Health Services at the various levels – International, National (MoHFW), State (DHS), District and at the hospital level (local) and role of the social worker as administrator – stakeholders
CO 6: Understand and appreciate the implications of various health policy and health-related legislations in occupation, public and safety, reproductive and sexual health, mental health
 Medical Social Work
CO 1: understand the basic concepts of health, the evolutionary history of health, models and approaches (levels to prevention) to intervening with disease
CO 2: understand human physiological systems as an interconnected system maintaining homeostasis, the various indicators of positive health, and disease affecting the systems
CO 3: understanding nutrition, balanced diet in prevention deficiency disorders, the sociocultural aspects of nutrition, preventive and management measures and national nutritional programmes
CO 4: understand the prevalence, etiology, symptoms, prevention and treatment of diseases – communicable and non-communicable – and relevant national health programs
CO 5: understanding of the ‘patient as a person and its implication of medical social work and appreciating the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment
CO 6: perceiving the role of social work in various contexts (clinics) in the medical setting
 Urban Planning and Community
CO 1: The trainee social worker will develop an understanding of urban planning, community development and related theoretical frameworks
CO 2: The trainee social worker  will identify and analyse  various issues of urban communities,  programmes  (NRLM, PMAY, Kudumbashree) and scope for social work
CO 3: The trainee social worker will understand and analyse urban planning, strategies, policies and agencies (Development Authorities)  engaged in working with urban community development
CO 4: The trainee social worker will be able to  understand the structure, functions and the administration  of community development institutions (Municipalities and corporations) in the wake of the 74th amendment
CO 5: The trainee social worker will acquire skills in developing projects to address existing social problems in an urban community and design  interventions for  Civil Society Organisations engaged in CSR
 Psychiatric Social Work
CO 1: The trainee should gain a full understanding of Psychiatric Social Work-its definition, components, objectives, relevance, differentiate it from related concepts (related professions in the multi-disciplinary team), as well as trace its history.
CO 2: The student should list the components (Knowledge, Skills, Values and Principles, Professional orgnization) of Psychiatric Social Work.
CO 3: The student should be able to create a plan for self-analysis, reflection and growth so as to accomplish the development of self and the profession and be able to apply it in fieldwork.
CO 4: The student should be able to list the skills, tools and techniques of psychiatric social work practice and demonstrate it through case vignettes and fieldwork
CO 5: The student should list and understand the problem-solving process/procedure/phases (Rapport building, Assessment- Disorders, symptomatology and MSE, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation and Follow-up) and demonstrate each of the components of the problem-solving process through case vignettes and in field work.
CO 6: The trainee should be able to list different psychiatric social work practice settings/models and describe the background (problems, relevance & significance, programmes and challenges) and role of the social worker in the particular setting
 Rural Community Development and Panchayati Raj
CO 1: Understand the origin and evolution of village life and develop perspectives at improving it
CO 2: Understand the changes happeing in rural life over the years and various rural reconstruction efforts of India before 1952
CO 3: Community Development Programme of 1952, National Extention Services, and other Programmes of Rural Development and Dynamics in the Planning Era
CO 4: Emergence of Panchayati Raj Institutions as a continuation of the Community Development Programme, its development in India with a special focus on  Kerala
CO 5: Gandhian Concept of Rural Development and the Emergence and Contributions of Cooperatives for Rural Development
CO 6: Programmes of Rural Development of Central and State Governments
CO 7: Understand the concept and programmes of rural Community Development
Ecological Social Work and Entrepreneurship
CO 1: Understand the interrelatedness of Environmentalism, Ecology and Social Work and carve a personal perspective on sustainable development and understand Political Ecology  Global Environmental Crisis and its linkages to the development process
CO 2:  Analyse the vulnerabilities of the ecosystem and the role of ecosystem persons in preserving the environment and life and develop tools to analyse eviction and alienation of people
CO 3: Understand the basics of communication and its theories, models, and approaches
CO 4:  Analyse the politics of information and discern the implications of development communication and apply social mobilisation and social advocacy in moderating social development
CO 5: Apply group communication skills and techniques in social work interventions and develop personal views and attitudes towards the use and abuse of Mass media and new media
CO 6: Understand the foundations of social entrepreneurship in the social work context and seven principles of social entrepreneurship
CO 7: Analyze various models of contemporary social entrepreneurship and design a social enterprise for a social problem
Integrated Social Work Interventions
CO 1: Understand the core processes and models of integrated social work and international social work practice
CO 2: Understand the impact of human activity in creating eco-system disequilibrium, contributing to disasters; acquire an understanding of the strategies for prevention, mitigation and preparedness in order to visualise social work interventions
CO 3: Use analytical tools to assess circumstances, events and situations engage with, and apply the theories, perspectives, strategies, techniques and skills of practice
CO 4: Imbibe methods of integrated social work intervention and strategies in dealing with disasters, geriatric population, youth, persons in distress, as well as persons with disabilities
Therapeutic Interventions for Social Work Practice
CO 1: The student should list the components (Knowledge, Skills, Values and Principles, Professional orgnization) of the psychotherapy
CO 2: The student should be able to create a plan for self-analysis, reflection and growth so as to accomplish the development of self and the profession and be able to apply it in fieldwork.
CO 3: The student should be able to list the skills, tools and techniques of psychotherapy practice and demonstrate it through case vignettes.
CO 4: The student should list and understand the problem-solving process/procedure/phases (Rapport building, Assessment -Therapy specific assessment, Planning, Intervention, Evaluation and Follow-up) and demonstrate each of the components of the problem-solving process through case vignettes.
CO 5: The trainee should be able to evaluate different types of therapy and its applicability in social work practice.
Development Economics
CO 1: Understand the concepts of Economic Growth and Development, Approaches to Factors of and Strategies for Economic Development,  and Appreciate the scope of Community Development in the context of National Development
CO 2: Understand the Concept of Underdevelopment, Look at the structural Features of the Indian Economy and Realise that India is a Developing Economy and Community Development Contributes towards it.
CO 3: Understand the Problem of Poverty and the Process of Poverty Alleviation and Appreciate the Importance of Population as Human Resource in the Development of the Country
CO 4: Acquire in-depth knowledge of the Growing Indian Economy and the Importance of various Sectors.
CO 5: Appreciate the Importance of Planned Development in the Progress of the Country
Social Work Practice and Health
CO 1: The trainee should gain a full understanding of 7 Social Work Health Settings-its definition, components, objectives, relevance, differentiate it from related fields
CO 2: The student should list the components (Knowledge, Skills, Values and Principles, Professional orgnization) of health social work.
CO 3: The student should be able to create a plan for self-analysis, reflection and growth so as to accomplish the development of self and the profession and be able to apply it in fieldwork.
CO 4: The student should be able to list the skills, tools and techniques of health social work practice and demonstrate it through case vignettes.
CO 5: The student should list and understand the problem-solving in each health setting and demonstrate the process through case vignettes.
CO 6:  The trainee should be able to discuss the background (problems, relevance & significance, programmes and challenges) and role of the social workers in particular health settings.
Social Analysis for Social Change
CO 1: The trainee social worker will develop an understanding of the meaning of Social awareness and its levels, Social Analysis and different tools of social analysand they will analyze the present society
CO 2: The trainee social worker will analyze sources and causes of social change, theories, criteria and indicators for social change.
CO 3: The trainee social worker will understand the goal of education  and Paulo Freirean and Gandhian Philosophy of education  and analyze  the  Freirean and Gandhian Method of Education and how it has contributed to social change.
CO 4: The trainee social worker will be able to analyse the difference between various strategies for social change like individual contact, campaign, Conscientization, cultural action, negotiation, pressure, legal action, nonviolence, conflict management, advocacy, networking and political organization.
CO 5: The trainee social worker will understand Social Movements: theories, types, relevance and also will acquire skills in analysing contemporary social movements, agencies involved  including Human Rights Movements  at the National and State level
CO 6: The trainee Social Worker will understand Social Policy, its importance, the process of  Policy formulation,  and will acquire the skills in analysing  the social policy and the  role of a social worker in policy formulation and planning

  • Winners of ICSW sponsored Rendezvous State Level Students meet in succession 2013, 2014.
  • Winners of Samanwaya 2014 Students of Social Work Meet at BCM College.
  • Winners of various events at Spectra 2014 at Marian College, Kuttikanam.
  • Department of Social Work, rated #6th in the Outlook National Best Social Work Colleges Survey released on 09/06/2017
  • Department of Social Work, rated #6th in the The Week National Best Social Work Colleges Survey released on 19/06/2017
  • Department of Social Work, rated #6th in the The Outlook National Best Social Work Colleges Survey released on 04/07/2017
  • First runners up in Samanawaya 2018 and 2019 Students of Social Work Meet

The department of social work connects globally. The department collaborates with international, national and state-level institutions and professionals.

AIM:  Widen the scope of social work, student exchange programmes, connecting social work institutions globally



  • UNICEF( United Nations International Children Emergency Fund): Child Rights Awareness Programme – Special Training for social work students, Pilot study on the project ‘ Voice of Children’ at Alleppey
  • DMHP(District Mental Health Programme): Psycho-Social Care for the Flood Affected in Kerala from 23rd August 2018 to 5th September 2018
  • NIMHANS ( National Institute for Mental Health and Neuro Science): Special Training for social work students in providing Psychosocial care for the Flood Affected
  • Women and Child Department: Survey conducted by social work students on ‘Domestic Violence Faced by Women’ in Trivandrum, Flash Mob on ‘Breast Feeding Observance’, Street Play and Flash Mob performed at children’s fest hosted by Chala, Trivandrum, Street Play performed by social work students at different panchayats on the ‘Awareness of Child Rights’
  • DCPU( District Child Protection Unit, Trivandrum ): Street Play performed in all over Trivandrum by social work students as part of ‘Child Rights Week Observance’ from 15th November 2017 to 19th  November 2017
  • Pradham ( NGO): Data collection done by social work students on ‘Annual Status of Educational Report’ in Trivandrum
  • Globala University: Student Exchange Programme
  • Ersta Skondal Bracke Aogskola: Student Exchange Programme
  • Spain:
  • Trivandrum District Administration: Social Work Trainees were part of the Internship Programme under District Collector – Smt. Vasuki ( IAS)
  • ChildLine: Training on Child Rights, Street Play performed overall Trivandrum as part of ‘Child Rights Week Observance’
  • ASSK( Association of Schools of Social Work ) And INPSWA ( International Professional Social Workers Association): International Symposium on Social Workday, International Symposium on Field Work Engagement hosted by Department of Social Work on 24th on November 2018
  • KAPS( Kerala Association for Professional Social Workers): 3rd Social Work Congress hosted by the Social Work Department
  • Kanthari: Training on ‘Social Entrepreneurship Development Programme’


Johan Gärde is Associate Professor, at Department of Social Sciences and International Coordinator at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Stockholm, Sweden. He has his doctorate in Sociology and Religion and evinces keen in augmenting the UN agenda on Sustainable Development Goals. Johan is widely travelled gentleman, with a great sense of humour and an extremely generous supporter of the developing world. His magnanimity had found him collaborating with various Universities in Lebanon, Germany, Argentina, Iraq, India and the Philippines. He is the founder of the Global Sessions wherein we have collaborators from Germany, Italy, Denmark, South Africa, the Philippines, US and Loyola (India). He has been instrumental in keeping the Linnaeus-Palme Collaboration live since 2012, under this exchange program 4 of our faculty members and 12 of our student/alumni have travelled to Sweden to do courses and research. In turn, we have hosted 11 Swedish students from Ersta. We have also provided learning opportunities for Globala Gymnasiat, Stockholm, thanks to his vision.

  • Ben Rivers is a proponent of Expressive Arts, a philanthropist, healer and an artist all rolled into one. Born in the UK and operating from Australia, he later worked in the third world especially among victims of trauma and especially women subjected to torture. His Psychodrama workshops are world-renowned and has helped healing the World over. Presently based in Cairo, he has established Dawar Arts, an international center for Arts where he hosts workshops promoting Psychodrama. Loyola had hosted his workshops at various intervals, thanks to Sr. Claire, our collaborator.

  • Olga Martin is the lead organizer of Street Heroes of India, an NGO working among street-based children. Through Olga Loyola, Social Work has organized numerous workshops for Child-care institutions, especially aimed at caregivers and affected children. Olga had been magnanimous to provide us workshops on Music Therapy, Dance Moment Therapy and Expressive Art Therapies. Loyola Social Work has also undertaken a research study in collaboration with GReVIA, Barcelona Universitat part-funded by Dr Sonny. Various workshops on Music Therapy (Saisha Partiman), Child Sexual Abuse (Sidney Maduforo, UCLA), Trauma Counselling (Grevia Team), and Dance Moment Therapy (Laura Lopez, GReVIA)

  • Lars-erik Olssen and Anders Olssen Kalbom are collaborators for Loyola. Lars-erik popularly known as Leo was the former Dean of Ersta Skondal Bracke University College and an avid researcher and an entrepreneur. Anders is a therapist working with people with special needs. They spend almost 6 months in India based out of their camp at ABC in Kovalam.

  • Krishnendu B.S has braved to have a start-up named Nàvëm that hinges on reaching out using Expressive Arts for Healing. She offers workshops on-site and on-line for Colleges and groups. Essentially for Nàvëm curates and promises a ‘safe space’ for rejuvenation and healing.


  • Claire Therese ICM and Shiva Santhakumar are proponents of Street Theatre and Playback Theatre. Claire is the immediate disciple of Badal Sarkar, the father of Street Theatre in India. Claire has adapted this expressive art form for education and healing. Shiva also operates Humanity Trust which focuses on Dalit rights and transformation. Together with her disciple Shiva, they run workshops meant to bring participants out of their cocoon, master their voices and poise, teamwork as well as make good use of space. These transformative workshops by Akka and Annah as they are popularly known, have been turning points in the lives of many Loyolites across discipine. Loyola Social Work Prides in incorporating these 5-day workshops as a part of its curriculum.

  • An alumnus of MSW Class of 2001, Ajith is the Director, Cox Solutions, Technopark. He did his doctorate from the University of Kerala on the theme Women & IT. Ajith is a consultant and trainer in HR and an expert in Career Guidance. He is on the Board of Directors of Eram Soft, and Advisory Board of Kerala Technical University and a faculty for the MBA Program, College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram.  He speaks regularly on the Ethnic Court and guest writes columns in Deshabhimani and Mathrubhumi.
  • Collaborating Partners

  • Name: Dr. Sonny Jose
  • Designation: Head of the Dept. of Social Work
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number (College’s official number)-91-471-2592059
  • Fax:91-471-2591760
Copyright @ 2025 Loyola College of Social Sciences (Autonomous). All rights reserved