Dr. Anitha.S
Assistant Professor & HOD
Department of Personnel Management
Email: anithasnair@gmail.com

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D
  • MSW
  • PG Certificate in Counselling
  • PG Diploma in Child Adolescent and Family Counselling

Domain Expertise

  • Talent Management
  • Training and Development
  • Organisational Behavior
  • Labour Laws
  • Employee Relations
  • Organisational Development
  • Counselling

Experience and Contact address

Date of Joining : 09-02-2011
Email: anithasnair@gmail.com

Selected Scholastic Contributions


  • Chapter in the book Advanced Management Research- A Management Analysis of In-service Training Programmes Organised for Teachers of Higher Education in Kerala

Journal Articles


1.Employees and Customers-the Lifeline of Organisations, in Management Voice, Trichur Management Association, Vol 1(2), 2007.
2. Drivers and level of employee engagement: Case of an IT organization in Review of Social Sciences, Vol.XIII, July –December 2011 and January- June 2012. P-19
3. Career Progression among employees- A qualitative research at Neptune Ready-mix Concrete Pvt.Ltd management Researcher, Vol.XIX No.3 January- March 2013.P-74
4.Work to Life Imbalance of Women Gynecologist – A Study with Respect to Govt & Private Hospitals in Kerala Management Innovator, ISSN 0974-6749
5.Entrepreneurial Traits Among Indian Women; Problems and Prospects (A Theoretical Overview) Management Researcher ISSN:2230-8431, P 429-435
6.Causes of work-life imbalance and its impact on the behaviour of women Gynecologists The Indian Journal of Commerce ISSN:2454-6801 Page 21-27
7.The evolution and challenges of women in workforce. Journal of management and innovative Information Technology, ISSN 2395-4981,P 93-100
8.Green Marketing Myopia: What Organisations Can Do in Order to Tackle It, Journal of Social Welfare and Management Dr.Anitha.S, Ranjit Thomas
9.A Description of Social Risk and its Influence on Women Entrepreneurs in Kerala, Management Researcher, A Peer-Reviewed Journal, ISSN:2230-431, Vol. Xxiv No. 1 August 2017, Published by Institute of Management Development and Research


1.Challenges Faced by Women Fish Vendors in Unorganized Markets: A Case Study. New Man International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Studies (ISSN: 2348- 1390), Dec 2014
2.Job Anchor among employees: A study in the Banking sector, International Journal of Human resource, Vol3, Issue1, July-Dec 2015
3.Relevance of Mentoring in the Workplace, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Dr.Anitha.S, Ranjit Thomas
4.”Employee Misbehaviour in the Workplace- Strategies to prevent misbehaviour and make employees satisfied with the job” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Dr.Anitha.S, Ranjit Thomas
5. Embedding sustainability into procurement practice through e-Procurement. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Dr.Anitha.S, Nireesh P.H

6.Eminence of Digital Procurement in the New Normal International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ISSN:2349-5162

Scientific Presentations

E-Procurement Adoption -Blockades in Public Procurement- Online -Social sciences Research Colloquium 2020 , SCMS Cochin


Workshop on EPF Act and Schemes-Amendment 2014 and Implications thereon IWN networking session and speech by Ms.Daksha Seth

Blood donation Drive organized by CII

A study among engineering college teachers in Kerala in the 3 day International Conference named “Humanizing Work and Work Environment”  organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering and CET school of Management at College of Engineering, Trivandrum  on December 15th , 2018.


Launching function of ‘Sandesh One’ organized by Kerala Women’s Development Corporation.


  1. National IQAC Conference on ‘relevance of Interdisciplinary Approach in Higher education “Inter Disciplinary Approach for Engaged Knowledge Building: The Loyola Model, International
  2. Conference on Globalization and changing landscape of Business, ISBN-978-93-84935-36-8
  3. Conference on Australia – India Partnerships in Sports & Tourism- towards sustainable   CSR initiatives.

National Conference on Research & Innovation in Commerce and Management Studies organized by Institute of Management Development and Research on 19th August 2017. Seminars:

  1. Golden Jubilee seminar on Religion, Culture and Society
  2. National seminar on “Social marketing: Role of Academics, Government, Public Sector and NGO”
  3. National Seminar on Gender Equality in Contemporary India: Issues and Challenges, organized by Department of History, School of Distance Eduaction, on 21st to 23rd November 2017.
  4. Two days National Seminar on Inter-State Migrant Workers in Kerala: Labour and Civic Life. Jointly organized by Loyola College of Social Sciences and Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore on 7th to 8th March 2018.

Talks & lectures

  1. Chaired the session: Case studies on effective disposal of waste, Waste Management in India: Perspectives and Alternatives
  2. Chaired the session: Social work paradigms in the new socio-cultural, political and economic scenario of India. State level workshop on Social Work at cross roads-Emerging paradigms.
  3. Lecture on Motivation in Nursing Management. Nursing workshop on ‘Advanced technology in nursing Education & Motivation in Nursing Management’ Mercy College of Nursing
  4. Doordarshan: Participated in ‘Koottukari’ live Phone-in programme Topic: Avenues for women with management degree
  5. Resource person for’ Change Management’ : Centre for Management Development
  6. Live Phone-in Prog in Doordarshan : Samuhyapadam, Importance of soft skills  Nov 15th 2016
  7. Live Phone-in Public awareness Prog in JainHind TV : Grihapadam, How to face interview  Jan 16th 2017 “How to Manage Stress” at St.Martha’s  Special School on 30/01/2016
  8. Offered session on ‘Prevention of Workplace Harassment to KSEB’ employees in Trivadrum Head Office and Ernakulam office respectively  on February 2018
  9. Training programme on Role of Complaints Committees in the Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at Workplace on September 2018 organised by NIPM.
  10. Conducted a Workshop on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (POSH)” on 15th February 2019
  11. Organised IR & Labour law workshop for HR department officials of Asianet Satellite Communications Ltd
  12. Consultant and Soft skill trainer for staff at Cosmopolitan Hospital, Trivandrum
  13. Soft skill trainer for Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum

Academic Programmes Organized

  1. Organizing Secretary : Seminar on Industry Interface
  2. Organising secretary – One Day Seminar on Workplace Counseling organized by Loyola College of Social Sciences in collaboration with Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment.
  3. World blood donors day
  4. World Environment day
  5. International Yoga day
  6. Group of blood donors in Loyola- Loyola blood Connect
  7. International Drug abuse day
  8. Alumni Golden Jubilee Seminar: Organising Secretary,  Training and Redressal of Sexual Harassment At The workplace: 29th Nov 2016
  9. Women’s day celebration: Panel Discussion on March 7th
  10. One day Workshop on Career guidance, Feb 29, 2016
  11. Organized National Seminar n ‘Women and Labour Laws’ in collaboration with National Commission for Women on 14 th January 2020

Research Guidance

  1. 8 PhD students
  2. One PhD awarded
  3. One International Student
  4. One M.Phil dissertation
  5. PG Dissertation guidance

Positions Held

  1. NSS Programme Officer (continuing)
  2. Department Staff Secretary (continuing)
  3. Alumni Secretary
  4. Loyola Association of Management Students and Professionals (LAMPS)-Staff Co-ordinator
  5. Co-ordinator Green HR
  6. Staff guide Bio-Diversity club
  7. Editor, Golden Jubilee Souvenir
  8. Editor HR MIX, Department Newsletter
  9. Editor LAMPS ALBUM
  10. Co-ordinated the Institutional Social Responsibility activities of Students
  11. Co-ordinated the Event Management for Colloquim on Human Rights followed by a Book release on 14th July 2014
  12. Co-ordinated the documentation of the Janamaithri Police Workshop against the use of Liquor and Drugs on 8th Oct 2014
  13. Organizing secretary, One day workshop on counseling skills for managers (Departmental) Advisory Board Member , Loyola Extension Services,
  14. Digitalizing the college magazines and developing digital archives
  15. Co-ordinated the Indian Women Network programme named personal groomimg
  16. Blood Donation Camp organised in Collaboration with Prathidwani and SCT Hospital at Thejaswini, Technopark, Tvm
  17. Observation of Vigilance Awareness Week, Supported by HLL Lifecare Limited TVM.
  18. Session on Public Participation in Promoting Integrity and Eradicating Corruption
  19. Seminar on FOOD,AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE LIVING, & Inauguration of Organic Farming
  20. Organising Committee member HR Conference on Strengthening Human Relationship for Strategic Business Management
  21. Organising committee member for the one day workshop on ‘Evoking Sustainability values and practices for organizational excellence”
  22. Organizing committee member International Conference on the theme Managing Uncertainties of Business: A socio culture Approach on 30 and 31 October,2015
  23. Internal Complaints Committee member- NCESS, Airport Authority of India, M/s Noratel Private Limited

Responsibilities at college programmes

  • Programme Committee co-ordinator Loyola College Golden Jubilee Celebrations
  • Co-ordinator Onam celebrations
  • Co-ordinator Organic Farming
  • Teacher-in –charge Arts Club
  • Decoration committee co-ordinator, Christmas and College day
  • Compiled a Handbook of Golden Jubilee Inauguration
  • Organised Three NSS seven days Rural Camps
  • Organised Food festival under NSS for raising fund for CMDRF towards flood relief activities.

Papers Taught

  1. Organizational Behaviour
  2. Human Behaviour in Organisations
  3. Industrial Sociology and Social Work
  4. Talent Management
  5. Business Communication
  6. Industrial Relations
  7. Wage and salary administration
  8. Labour law
  9. Management of Change and Organisational Development
  10. Counselling Skills for HR Managers
  11. Employee Wellness and Social Security

Fieldwork supervision

Field work supervision for all semester students. Industrial visits  at Bangalore, Mumbai, Gujarat during study tour.

Membership in Academic Bodies

  • 1.Life member National institute of Personnel Management(NIPM) 2.Executive committee member Kerala Academy of Social Sciences 3.Member- Indian Women Network.

Trainings attended

  1. Attended Soft Skill Training organized by Academic Staff College, Kariyavattom, 22-25 August, 2011.
  2. One day seminar on Legal Updates by HAC Poppen, 23 November, 2011 organised by National Institute of Personnel Management.
  3. National seminar on Waste management in India: Perspectives and alternatives by Loyola College of Social Sciences, December 20-21, 2012
  4. 15th Jan 2016, one day workshop on’ Labour Laws
  5. June 19- Attended PFMS training for NSS programme Officer’s at senate chamber
  6. June 20- Attended Schiwtha mission Training Green Campus- Clean campus for NSS programme Officer’s at Grameena Patana Kendram @ Karakulam
  7. Refresher course in women’s studies Dec2 to 22nd
  8. National Seminar on Demonetisation and aftermath Feb 4th
  9. August 10th   One day training programme on updates of Bonus and Gratuity Acts

Research Projects

  1. Life style risk factors among IT/ITEs professionals: A case of Technopark Trivandrum, 2013.
  2. Third party survey in assessing achievement level of Standard VIII. Sarva Sishka Abhiyan (SSA), Govt. of Kerala.
  3. An Assessment of Job Satisfaction Among HRM Executives in the Industrial Sector in Kerala, Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment(KILE) 2018.


  • Preparing Training and Development policy for Manappuram Group of Companies
  • Training data Analysis M/s Manappuram group of Companies
  • National Blood Donation Day Celebrations, M/s Terumo Penpol Pvt. Ltd
  • Nominated as external member of Internal Complaints Committee at TVM Airport for next three years
  • External member of Internal Complaints Committee at Noratel Power Components Limited, Tvm  for next three years
  • External member of Internal Complaints Committee at NCESS Tvm for next three years

Innovations in Teaching & Learning

  • Case studies
  • Role play
  • Presentation on current topics


  1. Chairman for MAHRM examinations
  2. Examiner MAHRM exams
  3. Question paper setter CUSAT, PSC, KITCO
  4. Examiner MHRM course , Centre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
  5. Examiner Rajagiri college of Social Sciences
  6. Examiner PhD course work exams
  7. Examiner BBA exams
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