Dr.Prakash Pillai R
Associate Professor & Controller of Examinations
Department of Personnel Management
Email: prakashpillair@gmail.com

Academic Qualifications

  • MSW (PM&IR)
  • Ph.D. (Management Studies)

Domain Expertise

  • HRM
  • Research Methodology
  • Strategic Management
  • Labour Legislations and Data Analytics

Experience and Contact address

Date of Joining : 07-02-2011
Email: prakashpillair@gmail.com

Selected Scholastic Contributions


  1. Institute Industry Interaction and its Influence on Skill Development – The case of Kerala, Walnut Publications, 2019.
  2. Co-authored a book entitled Green Banking Practices and its Impact: The Canvass of Banking Industry in India, published by Buuks.
  3. Co-authored a book titled development-Induced Displacement – Case of Kerala, Rawat publications, New Delhi, India, 2003.


Chapters in Books

1 Green Banking Practices- A Competitive Advantage, Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Banking for Green Industry and Green Economy, RC University, Belgavi, ISBN 978 93 84935. February 2016.
2 Analysis of Significance of Entrepreneurship in Vocational Training in Emerging Trends in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, ISBN 978-93-85160-76-9
3 Co-authored a chapterin the book titled Beauty Sells published by ICFAIPublishers, Hyderabad, India, 2008

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  1. Differentiating the Concept of Internal Marketing and Human Resource Management-a Comparative Study on the Existing Literature inInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562) April, 2019, 14( 8) pp. 1917-1922 (Bose George and Prakash Pillai R).
    Emotional Intelligence and Employee Turnover of New Recruits− A Case of an IT Company in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research.ISSN: 2349-5162. 2019, 6 ( 2) .pp 756–764. (Rasmy Kiran and Prakash Pillai R)
  2. Perspective and Usage Patterns of Green Banking Services: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Customers from Selected Banks in Kerala inRESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary. ISSN: 2455-3085. February, 2019. 4(2). Pp 285-292(Prakash Pillai R. and Praveen Raj D.)
  3. Sustainable Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance in Indian Banking Industry, International Research Journal of Management and Commerce,ISSN:2348-9766, Vol 5(2) February 2018.(Mr. Praveen Raj.Dand Dr. Prakash Pillai.R )
  4. Analysis of Training Needs of Vocational Trainers in Skill Development- A Case Study From VHSE, Kerala in International Education & Research Journal [IERJ], Vol 3(1), January 2017. ISSN: 2454-9916 (Mr.Shaji S. and Dr. Prakash Pillai.R)
  5. Green Banking Initiatives for Sustainable Developmentin International Education & Research Journal [IERJ], Vol 3(1), January 2017. ISSN: 2454-9916 (Mr. Praveen Raj.D, Dr. Prakash Pillai.R )
  6. Green Banking Initiatives in India A Comparative Analysis, GurukulamJournal Of Management Research (GJMR), Vol 2(1). November 2016. (Mr. Praveen Raj.D, Dr. Prakash Pillai.R )
  7. Effectiveness of Vocational Training to Students with Disabilities- A Case Study from Kerala, India,International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2016. ISSN: 2395-4396. (Mr.Shaji S. and Dr. Prakash Pillai.R)
  8. Comparative Analysis of the HRM Practices between Hospitality and Healthcare Sectors in South Kerala. SDMIMD Journal of Management, Vol 7(2), September 2016. ISSN : 2320-7906 (Ms.Christy Abraham and Dr. Prakash Pillai.R)
  9. Ancient Education and Five Educational Thinkers of India: A Comparative Analysis Management Researcher, Vol 12(3), March 2016. (Ms.Elizabeth Jacob andDr. Prakash Pillai.R)
  10. Efficacy of Social Security Measures With Special Reference to Patspin India Ltd ,Kanjikode , Kerala in the International Journal of Science Technology and Management, Vol 4, Special issue 01, September 2015. ( Dr. Prakash Pillai.R, Asha.G)
  11. Enhancing Customer relationship through Emotions: Assessing Emotional Contagion Level of Salespersons, International Journal of Marketing Management August 2015.
  12. Assessing Personality: A Study among the Sales Persons Working in the Organised Retail Outlets in North Kerala.International Journal of Human Resource Research Review, Volume 2, (6), June 2014.
  13. Drivers and Level of Employee Engagement : A case of an IT Organisation, in the Journal of Review of Social Sciences, by Kerala Academy of Socials Sciences Vol.XII(2) , July –December 2011.
  14. Learning Orientation of Employees- A Study among Banking Organisations in the AIMS International Journal of Management, Houston, USA. Vol 5, No.1, January 2011.
  15. Influence of HRD Climate on the Learning Orientation of Bank Employees, in Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol 43, No. 3, January 2008.
  16. HRD Climate in Banks: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Organisations in Management Researcher -Journal of Institute of Management Development and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, January-March 2007.
  17. Summary Report of the study on Development-Induced Displacement in Kerala in Loyola Journal Social Sciences, Vol.XIV, No.1, Jan-July 2000.
  18. Development-Induced Displacement in Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.XIII, No. 2 of July-December, 1999.

Scientific Presentations

Scientific Presentations

  1. Happiness and Personality Traits of Care Professionals: A Comparative Analysis of Nurses in Kerala, paper presented at the International Conference on Management and Information Systems, Bangkok, September 21-22, 2018.
    Green Banking in India: A Cross-sectional Analysis of Customers from Selected Banks in Kerala at the International Conference on Management and Information Systems, Bangkok, September 21-22, 2018.
  2. Role of Institutional Contingency Factors in HRM Practices in Service Sectors in South Kerala by Christy Abraham and Dr. Prakash Pillai R in the International Conference on Management, Business, Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility – 2018, Carmel College for Women, Goa.15-16 March, 2018.
  3. Stress and Emotion Contagion working in organized retail outlets in Cochin Kerala in the International Seminar on Knowledge Generation: New Vistas and Challenges organized by Mar Baselios College of Education SulthanBathery in Collaboration with Association of International Researchers of Indian Origin and Council for Teacher Education, Kerala on 11-13 March 2017.
  4. Personality Traits & Emotional Contagion: A study on organized Retail Outlets in Kerala in the National Conference on Business Innovations and Management Practices organized by Department of Management Science, MES College of Engineering Kuttippuram on 21st April 2016.
  5. A Happy Salesperson Can Make a Customer Happy: Assessment of the Emotional Contagion level of Salespersons working in the organised retail Outlets in the national conference on Business Models organised by School of Management and Business Studies, MG University, 25&26 February 2016.
  6. Comparative analysis of the HRM practices between hospitality and healthcare sectors in South Kerala in the 4th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, organized bySDMIMD, Mysore, 4 – 5 December 2015.
    Assessing the emotion contagion of salespersons working in the Organized Retail Outlets in Calicut City –A Case Study in the National Conference on “Equipping a competent work force- A catalyst for India’s Growth” held at Marian International Institute of Management on 23rd sep. 2015
  7. Social Security Measures and Employee Satisfaction with special reference to GTN Textiles Ltd ,Aluva, Ernakulam, Kerala at 3rd International conference on Managing Human Resources at Workplace held at SDMIMD Mysore on Dec 5,6 2014 ISBN 978-93-83302-01-7
  8. Assessment of emotions by salespersons working in the organized retail outlets: A Case study in the conference on Emerging trends in Business 2013, organized by the Department of Management Studies Christ University Bangalore during 12-13 December 2013.
  9. Employee Satisfaction of ESI Benefits with special reference to GTN Textiles at national seminar on innovation and strategic business practices at SNGIST, N Paravur. (waiting for ISBN)
  10. Does Salespersons’ Behaviour Influence Customers Buying Decisions-An Open Study in the International Conference on Business Strategies for Sustainable Growth- A Global Perspective” ,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. January 9-10, 2013.
  11. Emotions at Workplace: a Case of Nursing Professionals in North Kerala in the International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, Shri DharmasthalaManjunatheswara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore, December 14-15, 2012.
  12. Social Media for Marketing : a Study on NGOs in India in the International Marketing Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta(IIMC), December 27-29, 2010.
  13. Employability of Management GraduatesinNational Seminar on Best Practices in Higher Education organised by Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 18th and 19th July 2009.
  14. Entrepreneurship Orientation among Management Students in Kerala in the International Research Meet held on December 14th and 15th, 2007 atTA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal, Karnataka, India.
  15. Purchase Patterns of Cosmetics among the Consumers in Keralapresented in the International Marketing Conference on Marketing and Society organized by Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode (IIMK), India on 8-10th April, 2007.
    Learning Orientation for Organisational Effectiveness in the national seminar on Organisational Effectiveness and HR Challenges, organized by Department of Personnel Management, Loyola College of Social Sciences Thiruvananthapuram on 17th February 2002.
    Issues around Displacement with special reference to Transport Projects in Kerala in the state level workshop on Environmental and Social Impact Management of Transport Projects, by PWD Department Govt. of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram on 24th August 2001.

Talks & lectures

Talks & lectures

  1. Resource Person for Training on Research Methodology in Social Sciences on Scaling Techniques MatruSewa Sangh Institute of Social Work, Nagpur, February 19, 2016.
  2. Resource Person for Training on Sampling Methodsin the ICSSR Sponsored Research Methodology Course for PhD Students in Social Sciences ,atRajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, Cochin 28 February, 2016.
  3. Resource Personfor the Two day state level workshop on Research Methodology for Social Workers organized by the P G Department of Social Work, BCM College, Kottayam
  4. Resource Person for one day workshop on Social and Environmental Impact of Highway Project in Kerala organised by Public Works Department of Government of Kerala on 26th August, 2001.
  5. Facilitator for two day workshop on Research Methodologyfor Social Sciences conducted at BVM Holy Cross College, Cherpunkal, October 6-7, 2006.
  6. Facilitator, one day workshop on Research Methodology for Post Graduate Students at St. Joseph’s College, Moolamattom on 19 December 2006.
  7. Co-ordinator of several Regional and State Level Workshops/Seminar on “Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation” organized by Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram.

Academic Programmes Organized

Academic Programmes Organized

  1. ICSSR Sponsored 10 days workshop on Social Research Methods from 18th-27 November, 2013 at Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvanathapuram.
  2. Faculty Development Programme for Management Teachers titled Research Methods for Beginners at TKM Institute of Management, Kollam, Kerala 23&24 February, 2010.
  3. Faculty Development Programme for Young Teachers titled Publish Without Pathos-What, Why and How of Research Publishing at TKM Institute of Management, Kollam, Kerala 20th July, 2010.

Research Guidance

Research Guidance

  1. Number of PG Dissertations: More than 135
  2. Number of Ph. Ds awarded: 6
  3. No. of M Phil degree awarded: 3
  4. Number Ph. Ds ongoing: 4

Positions Held

Positions Held

  1. Member and Chairman, Inspection Team of Swachhta Campus Programme of Higher Education Institutions in Tamil Nadu state appointed by UGC, Bangalore.
  2. Member, Academic Council, University of Kerala.
  3. Editor, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences.
  4. Editor, Loyolite, The Alumni Newsletter.
  5. Member, PG Board of Studies, University of Kerala.
  6. Member, Board of Studies in HRM, Rajagiri Business School (autonomous), Cochin.
  7. Member, PG Board of Examinations, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
  8. Member, PG Board of Examinations, Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
  9. Served as Editor ofBCM Journal of Social Work, Journal of the Department of Social Work, BCM College, Kottayam.

Responsibilities at college programmes

  • Editor, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences Core Committee
  • IQAC OBE team
  • Research Co-ordinator
  • Staff Advisor Planning Forum
  • Treasurer- Alumni Association
  • Chairman Internal Compliance Committee.

Papers Taught

Papers Taught

  1. Fundamentals of Management and HRM
  2. Research Methodology
  3. Statistics for Management
  4. Employee Wellness
  5. Strategic HRM
  6. Sustainable Development and Urban Planning

Fieldwork supervision

Fieldwork supervision

Supervising OS, Internship and Industry projects for more than 80 students.

Membership in Academic Bodies

  • Member, AIMS (academy of Indian Management Scholars) International, Houston, USA.

Research Projects

Research Projects

  1. Project Director of a Major Research Project titled Happiness in Caring: An Intergenerational Analysis of Nursing Professionals in Kerala funded by Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), September 2018.
  2. Co-investigator of Social Impact Assessment Study of Trivandrum International Airport Development Project, Govt. of Kerala, January, 2018.
  3. Social Enterprises among Rural Women in Kerala: A Study on Intentions and Determinants, UGC Minor Project, March 2017
  4. Impact Assessment of Sandesh One Project in Kerala undertaken for Kerala State Womens’ Development Corporation, Thiruvananthapuram. 2016
  5. Principal Investigator of a research project entitled Labour Movements in Agriculture Sector: A Casestudy of Kuttanad Region, submitted to Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment (KILE), Govt. of Kerala, 2015.
  6. Principal Investigator of an evaluation study titled Third Party Evaluation of Achievement Level of Class VIII students, submitted to Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Govt. of Kerala, 2014.
  7. Project Director of a Major Research Project titled Social Orientation of Higher Education Institutions in India, funded by Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR). 2012-13.
  8. Principal Investigator of a research project titled Social Accountability Mechanisms of Higher Education Institutions in Kerala, a project of Kerala Higher Education Council, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram in 2011.
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