Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology has been a forerunner in promoting the discipline at various levels in Kerala since its inception in 1963. The Department has a long and impressive history in training young sociologists and social scientists which have been instrumental in the formation of the Kerala Sociological Society and in the formulation and conduct of various research undertakings and activities.

  • Erudite and Renowned Faculty Team
  • Innovative and Multi-pronged Pedagogical Experience
  • Competency Building with Placement Orientation
  • Community Engagements
  • Dynamic Professional Association (KSS, Loyola Unit)

The Post Graduate course leading to the award of the Master Degree of Sociology by the University of Kerala is spread over four semesters of duration of five months each. The academic work is a package of sixteen common theory papers, one dissertation/project work and a comprehensive viva-voce.

Loyola college of Social Sciences was started in the year 1963, with Sociology as the founding department. Being the lone discipline, Department of Sociology gained much acceptance in the initial years itself. The presence of towering personalities like Fr Joseph Puthenkalam S.J, Fr Jose Murickan S J, Dr C J Mathew and Dr Mariamma joseph and Dr E J Thomas S J, helped the department to emerge as a prestigious Center of Sociology in Kerala. The department took the leadership in variety of theoretical and empirical research works and many of which got published in the following years. These initiatives also contributed to the shaping of the college as a pioneering institution in Kerala and the stature did grow further and further. Today the department is a strong Center of Teaching and Research.

Excellence in research, teaching, learning and practice of Sociology, and exploring new vistas of research with social sensitivity.

Forming a community of committed sociologists with concern for the marginalized in the society

To become a leading Learning and Resource Centre in Sociology.

Ignite Young Minds

Dr. Nisha Jolly Nelson
Assistant Professor & HOD
Department of sociology

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Dr. S.C. Andrew Michael
Assistant Professor
Department of sociology

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Pdf Doc. [Scheme & Detailed Syllabus]



PSO 1 Making Sense of Society
PSO 2 Connecting Personal with Public
PSO 3 Thinking Beyond Common Sense
PSO 4 Social Sensitivity
PSO 5 Interdisciplinary Orientation

PSO6 Professional Sociologist

Theoretical Foundations in Sociology  
CO 1: Students will be acquainted with the historical background of the emergence of sociological theory.
CO 2: Students will be able to understand the theoretical insights of classical thinkers in their analysis of basic features of social life.
CO 3: Students will be able to analyse and interpret the contemporary social scenario with the backdrop of the social and intellectual contexts.
CO 4: Students will be able to relate the theories of the classical thinkers to evaluate the contemporary societal issues
Perspectives on Indian Society 
CO 1: Students will be able to understand the nature and character of Indian society, with specific reference to the institutions of caste, family, marriage and kinship in India
CO 2: Students will be equipped with various kinds of theoretical perspectives in understanding Indian society
CO 3: Students will be sensitized to use sociological approaches in analysing various social institutions and structures of hierarchy in India
CO 4: Students will be able to evaluate the various sources of tensions and conflict in Indian society through secularism, communalism and regionalism.
Introduction to Social Research Methods
CO 1: Understanding the nature of scientific methods and key research concepts and issues
CO 2: Understand Basic steps involved  in social research and the types of social research with their applicability
CO 3: Develop an insight into the need and types of research design and the use of sampling
CO 4: To equip students with tools for data collection
CO 5: To enable students to undertake independent social
Introduction to Sociological Imagination
CO 1: Understanding the historical background of emergence and development of sociology
CO 2: Students will be able to  connect personal with public having a deep insight of intellectual craftmanship
CO 3: Examine sociology as the action and common sense of everyday life
CO 4: Applying  the knowledge and research skill  of a sociologist and understand sociology professionally
Theoretical Perspectives in Modern Sociology 
CO 1: The students will be able to discribe different modern theoretical perspectives in sociology
CO 2: The students will be able to differentiate each theoretical perspective from other
CO 3: The students will be sensible towards the structural, functional and conflict dimensions of society
CO 4: The students will be able to reflex upon their own everyday life using the learned theories
CO 5: The students will be capable to critique modern social spaces using a theoretical framework
Social Policy and Planning 
CO 1: The students will be able to discuss the range of topics, issues and programs that social policy addresses
CO 2: Students will be able to analyze social problems and identify vulnerable groups and environments, and reflect on the meaning of welfare system for people.
CO 3: Students will learn to use critical thinking skills in the process of policy evaluation and development
CO 4: Ability to apply knowledge, information and research skills to complex problems in a range of policy contexts and are effective oral and written communicators
CO 5: The students will be able to understand the social policty and its relationship with sociology and  other social  sciences
CO 6: Use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations . E.g., policy making /project work
Advanced Social Research Methods 
CO 1: The Students will develop a scientific understanding of our society
CO 2: Students will develop practical skills to connect his/her personal experiences to the wider social real life situations.
CO 3: Students would be able to implement sociological imagination in practical constests of undertaking social research
CO 4: Students will evaluate the different research strategies distinguished from each other
CO 5: Design social research, apply and report
CO 6: Students will evolve into a professional practitioner of social research
Sociology of Marginalized Communities 
CO 1: Students will be enabled to understand the significance of the sociological study of marginalized communities
CO 2: Students will be able to reflect upon the wider social real life situations of marginalized communities
CO 3: Students will be able to differentiate different perspectives on marginalization
CO 4: Students will be able to observe and analyse the everyday life and problems of marginalized communities
CO 5: Students will be able to evaluate the movements, programmes and policies of marginalized communities.
Current Debates in Social Theory 
CO 1: Students would develop the skills to look beyond the apparent social realities using theoretical approaches of reflexivity and critical thinking
CO 2: The students will become aware of the need to relate sociological theories to the social and political conditions of contemporary times.
CO 3: Students would become capable of using theories to analyse social realities from various angles such as micro, meso, and macro
CO 4: The students would become conscious of the need of evaluating social contexts using the heterogeniety of social theoretical perspectives
CO 5: Students will become capable creating new theoretical models of society based on the wide variety of theories and theoretical models they have studied over the three semesters
Social Statistics 
CO 1: Describe and discuss the basic concepts and techniques of social statistics
CO 2: Organize, manage and present data
CO 3: Analyze statistical data graphically using frequency distributions and cumulative frequency distributions
CO 4: Analyze statistical data using measures of central tendency and dispersion
CO 5: Conduct basic statistical analysis of data
CO 6: To build competence in data analysis using statistical techniques
CO 7: Evaluate the nature of data to identify appropriate statistical technique
CO 8: To identify and make sense of inherent social issues through analysis of associaton and relationship
CO 9: Able to apply statistical techniques in diverse research situations
Social Gerontology
CO 1: Students will be able to understand the significance of the sociological study of ageing from a broader social and theoretical perspective
CO 2: Students will get the understanding of sociological, biological, and psychological aspects of aging and the issues raised by social gerontology
CO 3: Students will be able to observe the everyday life of elderly and analyze the sequence of socially defined events and roles that the elderly enacted over time
CO 4: Students will be able to analyze the medical model of ageing and evaluate various problems and factors that affect aging in different societies
Population and Society
CO 1: The students will be able to understand the relevance of population study and its importance in Sociology
CO 2: The students will be able to analyze each theoretical perspective reflecting on the growth of Population in India
CO 3: Examine the demographic factors responsible for population change Fertility, mortality and migration
CO 4: Ability to apply research skills and knowledge to the causes and remedies towards India’s population problem
CO 5: Students will learn to use critical thinking skills in the process of policy evaluation for reproductive health and Welfare
Urban Planning and Development
CO 1: Understand the core planning knowledge and skills
CO 2: Describe basic issues in urban planning and evaluate complexity inherent in planning
CO 3: Develop an understanding about the history of urban planning and its impact on Indian society

  • Fr.Puthenkalam Award For the best Sociology department for Advanced studies in the state 2015 ,2016
  • Prof. Mercy Williams award for the Best Department of Sociology for outstanding Contributions in the felid of extension and social service 2017
  • Department was selected as the Runner-up for the PKB Nayar Award 2017,2018 For the best Sociology department for Advanced studies in the state.

  • Name: Dr.Nisha Jolly Nelson
  • Designation: Head of the Dept. of Sociology
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number (College’s official number)-91-471-2592059
  • Fax:91-471-2591760
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