Winners of competition


Jithu Johncy and Aiswarya Subair

Name of the competition : Inter Collegiate Quiz Competition

Name of the organizer : KSS 46 th Annual Conference.

Department of Sociology

Jithu Johncy

Name of the competition : Sir Visveshvarayya trophy and a cash award of 20000/-

Name of the organizer : Power Quiz 2020

Department of Sociology


Sanu Wilson, Mebin James, Rahul A, Harikrishnan R S

Name of the competition : National Level Business Plan Competition - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : Saintgits Institute of Management Studies, Kottayam

Department of Personnel Management

Rahul A and Team

Name of the competition : Marketing Game - 2nd Prize

Name of the organizer : Rajadhani School of Management Studies, Trivandrum.

Department of Personnel Management

Harikrishnan R S, Arunima M and Team

Name of the competition : HR Game - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : Rajadhani School of Management Studies, Trivandrum.

Department of Personnel Management

Sanu Wilson, Mebin James, Rahul A, Harikrishnan R S

Name of the competition : Business Plan Competition - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : SB College of Management Studies, Kottayam

Department of Personnel Management

Sanu Wilson, Mebin James, Rahul A, Harikrishnan R S

Name of the competition : National Level Business Plan Competition - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : Monti International Business School Malapuram.

Department of Personnel Management

Rahul A, Harikrishanan R S

Name of the competition : NIPM District Level Quiz Competition - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : NIPM Trivandrum Chapter

Department of Personnel Management

Joy SS, Suremya S l, Merin Sunny, Shilpa S

Name of the competition : Capitalist Crew - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : Intercollegiate fest ELYSIUM 2019 by PG Department of Commerce, Mar Ivanios College

Department of Personnel Management

Ms. Femi Ann Mathew

Name of the competition : National Level Quiz Competition - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : National Commission for women ,New Delhi

Department of Sociology

Jima Rose

Name of the competition : Prof Jose Murickan Award for the best paper presented

Name of the organizer : AKASC

Department of Sociology

Femi Ann Mathew

Name of the competition : Essay Competition on the topic “Integrity a way of life”

Name of the organizer : Loyola College of Social Sciences in collaboration with Union bank as part of Vigilance week celebrations.

Department of Sociology

Mrs. Jophy John

Name of the competition : Speech Competition

Name of the organizer : SN College Chempazhanthy

Department of Counselling Psychology

Ms. Dona & Ms. Maria.

Name of the competition : Second prize for Photography competition at Student’s Social Work Congress at Assumption College, Changanacherry on 6 December

Name of the organizer : Assumption College, Changanacherry

Department of Social Work


Ms. Arunima S

Name of the competition : Scholarship Award

Name of the organizer : Prof. Murali Nair Scholarship Award 2019

Department of Sociology

Ms.Salu S

Name of the competition : intercollegiate essay competition - 3rd Prize

Name of the organizer : Dept of Sociology, M G college in connection with World Population Day

Department of Sociology

Ms.Lekshmi Suresh

Name of the competition : intercollegiate essay competition - 2nd Prize

Name of the organizer : Dept of Sociology, M G college in connection with World Population Day

Department of Sociology

Ms.Reshma SS

Name of the competition : intercollegiate essay competition - 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : Dept of Sociology, M G college in connection with World Population Day

Department of Sociology

Ms.Femi Ann Mathew

Name of the competition : intercollegiate essay competition - 2nd Prize

Name of the organizer : the Dept of Sociology, M G college in connection with World Population Day

Department of Sociology

Mr. Christben

Name of the competition : National Level Quiz Competition - 2nd Prize

Name of the organizer : National Commission for Women ,New Delhi

Department of Sociology



Name of the competition : Women Deliver Young Leader, USA Sponsored Travel Award (International)

Name of the organizer : The Women Deliver Young Leaders

Department of Sociology

Minu Harikumar

Name of the competition : Quiz competition on Legal Rights of Women- 3rd Prize

Name of the organizer : National Women’s Commission, Delhi

Department of Sociology

Durga U S Nair

Name of the competition : Quiz competition on Legal Rights of Women- 2nd Prize

Name of the organizer : National Women’s Commission, Delhi

Department of Sociology

Mehanaz M

Name of the competition : Quiz competition on Legal Rights of Women- 1st Prize

Name of the organizer : National Women’s Commission, Delhi

Department of Sociology

Archana K

Name of the competition : P K B Nayar Best Paper Award

Name of the organizer : 43rd Annual KSS Conference held at The Zamorin's Guruvayurappan College, Kozhikode

Department of Sociology

Vani Ramdas

Name of the competition : First Prize at the South-zone University Youth festival and selected for National-level; First Prize for Group Song

Name of the organizer : University Youth festival

Department of Social Work


Amal Sebastian, Reshma Susan Roshan, Arya S.R, Rehina M, Praseija J.K. and Susmith Thomas

Name of the competition : First Prize for Research Documentary (Unarvu) and First Prize for Scientific Poster Presentation

Name of the organizer : Samanwaya 2014

Department of Social Work

Amal Sebastian and Reshma Susan Roshan

Name of the competition : First Prize for a research presentation titled “A Study on Community Food Security Interventions: Specific reference to paddy cultivation in Pattanakad Panchayath, Alappuzha”

Name of the organizer : Department of Food and Civil Supplies (Govt. of Kerala) to commemorate “World Food Day”

Department of Social Work

Mr.Arif Mohammed & Mr.Manu Markose

Name of the competition : First Prize in the State Level Quiz competition

Name of the organizer : Kerala State AIDS Control Society KSACS as part of the Blood Donation Day

Department of Social Work

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