Department of Personnel Management

The Post Graduate Department of Personnel Management, Loyola College of Social Sciences, since its inception in the year 2000, promotes quality education, research and consultancy in management. M.A.H.R.M. (MASTERS IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) Course is a two year full time programme affiliated to the University of Kerala. The Department focuses on moulding young professionals into globally competent, socially committed and well disciplined managers. Apart from the regular pedagogy, the Department develops various activities which orient students to character, competence and conscience development. The department strives to develop effective leaders of industries with ethical and human values to reshape the nation’s destiny through increased productivity of the organization. The programmes prepare young minds for the managerial challenges of the 21st century. It emphasizes conceptual clarity, analytical reasoning, communication skills and computer proficiency. All our students have got placed in the HR field.

The Curriculum of M.A.H.R.M. is tailor made to meet the global demands but with value orientation. It gives emphasis to the labour laws to enable the students to become competent in social security and employee relations domain. The curriculum incorporates a multidisciplinary perspective by taking into account the industry demands. We train our students to become a management professional with social sensitivity.

The Dept. of Personnel Management was established in the year 2000 as the third PG Department in the college offering a Master of Arts in Personnel Management (M.A.P.M.). Till 2000, the Personnel Management was offered as a specialisation in the MSW programme. Later in 2014, the dept. was elevated to a research centre in Management Studies of the University of Kerala. As a response to the change in profession, the nomenclature of the programme has been changed in to M.A.H.R.M. in the year 2015. The dept. continues to work in close collaboration with faculty members in TISS and IIM-A for its academic enrichment.

Nurturing talents towards a holistic perspective with high touch and sustainable competence realising their full potential

Moulding competent talents with a zeal for excellence fostering a humanising environment.

Develop the department as a centre of excellence in value based, management education.

  • To impart professional education and training in human resource management.
  • To develop professionals with humaneness, ethics in action, and the drive to excel.
  • To facilitate knowledge based action.
  • To develop the Loyola brand HR professionals.
Dr. Aby Tellas
Department of Personnel Management

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Dr.Prakash Pillai R
Associate Professor & Controller of Examinations
Department of Personnel Management

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Dr. Anitha.S
Assistant Professor & HOD
Department of Personnel Management

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Rev. Dr. Ranjit I George SJ
Assistant Professor, Bursar & Director, LES
Department of Personnel Management

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Dr. Angelo Mathew P
Assistant Professor
Department of Personnel Management

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Pdf Doc. [Scheme & Detailed Syllabus]



  • H.C.D.C. is the consultancy cum training wing of the dept. Corporate organisations and academic institutions are increasingly being exposed to the good effects of technology, media and professional competence, emergent relationships that entice them into unlimited developmental prospects. It is evident that there is growing interest to establish continuous and significant relationships for mutual collaboration in the areas of training personnel, consultancy and action research. This calls for a mode of involvement that would appall affordable developmental initiatives in terms of leadership, analytics, critical thinking, decision making, stress management, assertiveness and communication. Thus H.C.D.C.essentially provides the opportunity to establish collaboration with leading corporate and NGOs which may enhance visibility of Loyola and its faculty and resources and by and large promote placement prospects of its students.
  •  Loyola has been undertaking a series of training programmes on personal effectiveness, communication and many other topics of corporate interest for quite some time. The the value propositions of H.C.D.C.include;
    Providing employee training to specific organisational requirements.
    Providing service without diluting the core domain requirements of human resource development.
    Indented to develop our own faculty and student learners in gaining and exhibiting skills and confidence for the benefit of the outside world.
  • This is ultimately aimed to prepare the students of our institute to face the real world consciously and confidently by extending the faculty gained exposure from the corporate.

The M.A.H.R.M. course emphasizes an intense corporate exposure to the students. During the first semester the students get an opportunity to visit various industrial and social organizations. They get familiarized to the various practices existing in the organization and an opportunity to interact with practicing managers in the organizations. During the second semester the practical exposure is in the form of an organizational study, which usually extends to 45 days. The students spent their time in the organizations to generally understand the internal and external environment existing in the organizations together with understanding the various HR systems and practices. They usually undertake a SWOT analysis at the end of the exercise to generate adequate insights about the business as a whole. The students are also engaged in to a mini project as per the needs of the organisations. The third semester the focus is on the IR and Labour Law applications. Together with this they undertake a social project which is a mini research having a social value. During the fourth semester practical exposure is in the form of a more focused understanding on the HR practices, policies and systems in the organizations. Students are required to submit a comprehensive report in the prescribed format for all these programmes in which they consolidate their learning in a concrete fashion.

  • HR MIX-This is a quarterly newsletter published from the department which is a student-initiated activity.
  • La Tarang – the Intercollegiate Fest of Dept. is a platform for the students to organise a grand event targeting graduate/post-graduate students to exhibit their leadership and teamwork effectively.  It is designed to empower the legacy of innovators through activities that inspire youth, honor role models and encourage creativity and problem-solving skills in today’s world. Being an institute of national importance, we carry the immense responsibility of being a front-runner in empowering the youth through initiatives like La Tarang. It is also an opportunity to network and develop the social capital HR students.
  • Corporate Preparation (CP)- CP is a programme to orient the students to the corporate world by giving them hands-on experience on management and business scenarios. Students work in team to organize variety programmes under this banner. This includes Business Quiz, Case study Analysis, Management Games, HR Concepts, Video Presentations, Soft Skill Training, Extempore, Creativity Training, Meet the HR Series and many more.


  • Air Travel Enterprises India Ltd., Thiruvananthapuram : The organization authorised the resource persons to chart out a training program for the lower level staff on Selling skills, CRM and People Skills. Out of which the People Skills were done by faculty of the department which included the following –Individual, Identifying Strength and Weaknesses, Johari exercises, Body Language- especially Eye movements, Team building exercises, Work –Life Balance and Goal setting.
  • i-miRa Knowledge Solutions : The faculty were Project Consultants in producing the high quality content for different training programs like Leadership, Communication etc.
  • LYKA Plastics : Consultation on managing Family and business relationship in Family businesses among generations.

PSO1. Gain Functional understanding of HRM domain

PSO2.  Competent in assessing the behavioural dynamics of organisations.

PSO3. Update on legislative compliance relevant to HR professionals

PSO4. Instil a sustainable perspective in decision making.

PSO5. Imbibe “high touch” and high-tech skills

PSO6. Nurture entrepreneurial competence

Organisational Behaviour
CO 1: Finding out the uniqueness of individuals
CO 2: Learning patterns of individuals
CO 3: Judge the emotion & attitude of individuals
CO 4: Analyse working in groups
CO 5: Assemble the factors of job satisfaction
Fundamentals of Management & HRM
CO 1: Illustrate the basic functions of management
CO 2: Explain to students the concepts and scope of Human Resource Management.
CO 3: Illustrate the various functions  of HRM  including Job Analysis, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Onboarding
CO 4: Discuss the various methods of training and development
CO 5: Design  training need assessment and training evaluation tools
Labour & Managerial Economics
CO 1: Describe  the demand and supply, factors affecting demand and supply, kinds of demand elasticities and supply elasticities
CO 2: Explain the concept of market,its structure,its mechanism, different types of markets, conditions of perfect and imperfect competition
CO 3: Explain the basic Concepts of Labor Market
CO 4: Describe the Economic Planning, Economic Reforms and Crisis in India
CO 5: Analyze the various tools for economic decision-making
Business Communication
CO 1: To develop the skills of written and oral communication
CO 2: To illustrate the various forms and applications of communication
CO 3: To equip students to apply IT and audiovisual tools
CO 4: Develop business correspondence documents for communication
Research and Statistics for Management
CO 1: Differentiate quantitative vs qualitative research.
CO 2: Analyze the scales and measures used in selected standardised tools
CO 3: Review  of published Meta-analysis reports
CO 4: Design a statistical analysis plan for a chosen research synopsis with a tool for data collection to be prepared.
Urban Planning &Sustainable Development
CO 1: Illustrate the concept of sustainable development
CO 2: Explain to students about the rising issues related to the environment
CO 3: Identify the global standards relates to sustainability
CO 4: Design social impact assessment tools
CO 5: Illustrate the various dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility activities
Talent Management
CO 1: Illustrate the application of various Human Resources Information Systems and tools
CO 2: Identity skills in imparting HRD tools in organisations
CO 3: Illustrate HR audit process in various organisations
CO 4: Outline strategies in managing the talent management challenges in a knowledge-based work environment
Financial Management
CO 1: Illustrate the process involved in financial decisions, Investment Decisions and Dividend Decisions
CO 2: Illustrate the financial statement analysis and estimation of cost of capital
CO 3: Appy the  techniques of the Time value of money, risk and return in Finance
Marketing Management
CO 1: Compare the marketing strategies of different organizations.
CO 2: Analyze the problems faced by marketing companies in real life
CO 3: Rate the dimensions of emerging knowledge in marketing and its impact on changing relationships between marketing and society.
CO 4: Design a market plan for a chosen organization.
Industrial Engineering& Operations Management
CO 1: Identity skills required for HR to deal with productivity requirements
CO 2: Outline ways for managing the ERP integration
CO 3: Identify the standards related to the factory and office layout
CO 4: Discuss the potential of work-study
CO 5: Develop a network diagram to understand project management
Business Environment &Entrepreneurship
CO 1: Describe the factors facilitating the business environment and the schemes introduced by the government as well as International Organizations to facilitate business operations and Entrepreneurship, structural reforms and policies
CO 2: Explain the Indian Model of Management, Indian Heritage and the trends, factors in Entrepreneurship
CO 3: Illustrate the various Business Environment Analysis Tools and its applications
CO 4: Analyse the feasibility of Business Idea, Start-ups and MSMEs
CO 5: Design a Business Plan with creativity, Lateral Thinking and Social Responsibility Approach
Industrial Relations &Employee Wellness
CO 1: To understand the settlement mechanisms
CO 2: To understand how to handle harassment at the workplace
CO 3: To apply best techniques in collective bargaining
CO 4: Analyse the reasons for industrial disputes
CO 5: Evaluate the changes happening to IR with time
Performance Management & Employee Counseling
CO 1: Compare the counselling techniques suitable for different organizations.
CO 2: Analyze the problems faced by companies in real life to measure performance
CO 3: Evaluate the performance appraisal tools by understanding different dimensions of it and its implications on workers and managers.
CO 4: Design a performance appraisal system for a selected organization.
Labour Laws
CO 1: Discuss the  laws related to working conditions of labour
CO 2: Describe the laws related to social security
CO 3: Analyze the laws related to industrial relations and wages
CO 4: Analyze the administration of labour laws
Business Strategy and SHRM
CO 1: To articulate the implementation of strategy
CO 2: To analyse the strategy execution models in organizations
CO 3: To understand the importance of organizational culture in strategy
CO 4: To evaluate the significance of global strategies
CO 5: To apply the alignment of HR on Strategy
HR Analytics
CO 1: Illustrate the relevance of Analytics in various HR processes to derive tangible benefits from HR practices.
CO 2: Illustrate the use of various statistical tools for HR analytics through SPSS
CO 3: Discuss the different HR measures and matrices relevant to various HR functions including staffing, development, compensation, performance and separation
CO 4: Explain the trends and issues connected to the use of  HR analytics in organisations
Management of Change and OD
CO 1: To develop insight and competence in diagnostic and intervention processes
CO 2: To provide skills for initiating and facilitating change in the organisation
CO 3: To provide necessary self-insight and become effective change agents
CO 4: Explain the current trends and issues connected with OD and Change Management in organisations
Compensation Management
CO 1: To develop the insight and competence in the design of compensation policy
CO 2: To analyze the various approaches to compensation management
CO 3: To equip students to evaluate various compensation strategies
CO 4: Develop compensation package models for a different types of organisations

  • Name: Dr.Prakash Pillai R
  • Designation: Head, Dept.of Personnel Management
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number (College’s official number)-91-471-2592059
  • Fax:91-471-2591760
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